Don't forget that spring pictures will be next Wednesday, March 8th!
The Navajo High School Baseball team will travel to Fletcher on Friday, March 3rd. Game time starts at 4:15. Safe travels to our players and supporters!
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Dr. Seuss
Stand out tomorrow when you dress like a wack-a-doo and don't brush your hair in the morning, pre-k through first graders! But be sure to brush your pearly whites, Dr. Seuss's orders!
Our junior high and high school Lady Indians will have their spring slow pitch home opener Friday, March 3rd, at 4:30 pm. We hope to see you there!
Our Navajo High School Baseball team will have their home opener against Binger-Oney on Thursday, March 2nd at 4:15. Our jr. high baseball team will play against Binger-Oney immediately after the high school game! It will be a great night for some baseball! We hope to see you there!
MENU CHANGE for Wednesday, March 1st:
Fish Sticks
Dinner Roll
Green Beans
Romaine Lettuce
Here are pictures of pre-K and kindergarten celebrating Dr. Seuss' week by wearing red and blue! We can't wait to see pictures of their crazy and mismatched socks today!!
The Navajo Golf team is selling t-shirts and golf polo shirts! If you are interested in purchasing one, please click the link below! The sales of these shirts will help pay for their golf expenses.
Be yourself, and the people that don't mind are the people that matter.
Dr. Seuss
Pre-K through first grade, show us your CrAzY or mIsMaTchEd socks tomorrow!!
The Navajo Jr. High Baseball game against Snyder tomorrow, February 28th, has been cancelled.
Congratulations to these Navajo Choir students on a successful district competition on a very difficult judging day. Isabelle earned a superior on her solo, the ensemble earned a superior on their song, and Korie, Elena, and Taylor earned excellent ratings on their solos. These ladies will all be competing at State on April 20th!
You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.
Dr. Seuss
Tomorrow, Monday, February 28th, starts the celebration of Dr. Seuss's week for our pre-k and kindergarten classes! Here is tomorrow's attire!
The jr. high baseball team will travel to play at Snyder on Tuesday, February 28th, at 4:15 pm. Safe travels to our players and supporters.
The Navajo Jr. High Baseball team will play against Snyder on Tuesday, February 28th, at 4:15. We hope to see you at the field!
Our junior high baseball team will play in Blair on Monday, February 27th, at 4:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
Lunch bills will be going home Monday, February 27th, with your child/children. We ask that payments are promptly made to minimize your cafeteria debt. If you have any questions or would like to apply for Free and/or Reduced Lunches, or need to set up a payment plan, please contact Ronda Lemaster or Mr. Doss at 580-482-7742.
We need to apologize to our Ag teacher Ms. Emilie James! We missed National Ag Teacher Appreciation Day on Wednesday! So here is to you Ms. James and your dedication to your students, FFA, The Navajo Livestock Team, and Navajo Public Schools! You are a fan favorite among so many!
Our TSA students attended a TSA competition on Wednesday, hosted by Elk City Public Schools. Our TSA members competed in problem solving, bridge building, metric dragsters, and the technology bowl! While they didn't bring home any wins, they learned so much!! We are so proud of them!
Many fun things are going on in Altus this weekend! Here is a fun, free activity for anyone interested in aviation! This Saturday, 25th Feb, pilots from Altus Air Force Base will be talking to any youth interested in aviation.
For more information, please click the link below!
Congratulations to the students inducted into National Technical Honor Society today! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!
Ally Caton- Cosmetology
Mia Giraldi- Health Science
Brent Diaz- (not pictured)
Business Computer Technology
Ashley Cain- (not pictured)