The Navajo School Foundation, created in July 2014, is a Not-For-Profit 501(c)(3) Incorporation organized exclusively for the purpose of supporting education, athletics, capital improvements, and other charitable purposes for the Navajo School. The mission of the Foundation is to “raise, manage, and distribute resources to enrich the education and experiences of students in the Navajo Public Schools.”
Donations and Memberships are the source of income for the Foundation and enable the Foundation to provide the most impact to support Navajo School. Benefits of contributing to the Navajo School Foundation include:
Uniting donor and school priorities and passions to achieve our mission, giving you the satisfaction of knowing that you are influencing the educational experiences of Navajo students.
Responding promptly with a fully tax-deductible acknowledgement of your gift.
Allowing you to designate exactly how you would like your donation used.
Just since the Foundation’s inception in June 2014, there have been numerous projects completed that have positively affected the Navajo Public School System. The Foundation has:
Installed state-of-the art Lighting Systems for both the Baseball and Softball fields costing over $125,000!!
Hosted a Navajo Community event barbeque and alumni games!!
Provided over $7,000 for Grants-to-Teachers for Navajo Faculty for grants such as:
Google Chrome Books
Accelerated Reader (AR) incentives
Education Insights Hot Dots – Elementary Interactive Courseware
Handheld GPS units for science projects
Early Childhood Literacy Stations
Alphabet Sounds Teaching Tubs
Counseling Curriculum
Sporting Clay Machine for Shooter Sports
Foundational and Cognitive Skills Building Program
Every donation given to the Navajo School Foundation accelerates the educational experience for the Navajo students. It is an understatement to say the needs of our students, faculty, facilities and programs are at an all-time high.
Any contribution, donation or membership dues, is fully tax-deductible and you will receive proper documentation from the Foundation for tax purposes. Please consider supporting the Navajo Public School System!!!