This is Navajo Public Schools. We are having problems with our phones, at this time, and can't answer any calls that reach our primary number of 482-7742. Please bear with us as we get this resolved. Unfortunately, we are not reachable, by phone, at this time.
1 day ago, Navajo Public Schools
We are so excited to have our Future Indian Signing Day and welcome all of our new Pre-K kids to Navajo!
1 day ago, Courtney Smith
Pre-K Enrollment
This is Navajo Public Schools. We are having problems with our phones, at this time, and can't answer any calls that reach our primary number of 482-7742. Please bear with us as we get this resolved. Calls to 580-482-5231 will still reach us.
1 day ago, Navajo Public Schools
Congratulations to this week's Battle of the Book qualifiers!
1 day ago, Courtney Smith
Battle of the books
The softball games scheduled for today, March 6, in Burns Flat have been canceled due to weather.
2 days ago, Courtney Smith
Congratulations to Hannah Doss for receiving the 2025 Academic All-State Award. Only 100 are chosen in the State of Oklahoma. Hannah will receive a $1500 merit-based cash reward, an honor cord, and a medallion. Hannah Doss will also have her name added to our Academic All-State banner displayed in our gym, along with a plaque displayed on the walls of Navajo High School. Congratulations, Hannah! We are so proud of you!
2 days ago, Courtney Smith
Hannah Doss
You may have noticed some new faces around campus recently, and we’d love to introduce them! Mrs. Stoup has joined the high school administration office, and Ms. Bartels & Mrs. Ferrell are our new paraprofessionals in the elementary building. We are so excited to have you all here at Navajo! Welcome to the tribe!
2 days ago, Courtney Smith
Navajo Student Council would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to our Support Staff of the Week, Ms. Leticia and Mr. Andrew! They both received a $10 White Buffalo gift card donated by Wichita Insurance and will have a sign displayed for a week! Thank you for all you do! WE APPRECIATE YOU! GO TRIBE! ❤️🖤🤍
4 days ago, Courtney Smith
Support Staff of the week
Navajo will hold a send-off for our state archery teams today, March 4th, at 9:30 a.m. in between the buildings. After the send-off, the teams will do a virtual shoot starting at 10:00 a.m. in the old gym. Due to wet field conditions, the JH Adam Wootens Tournament that Navajo is hosting has been moved to Elk City. The field location and bracket are shown in the attached pictures.
5 days ago, Courtney Smith
JH Adam Wooten Tournament
Congratulations to our Star Students of the Week! Keep up the great work!
5 days ago, Courtney Smith
Star Students of the Week
All yearbook orders are due on Friday, Feb 28th, to GUARANTEE your copy. Cost: $40, cash or check
10 days ago, Courtney Smith
Navajo Student Council would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to our Teacher of the Week, Mrs. Ross! Mrs. Ross received a $10 White Buffalo gift card donated by Wichita Insurance and will have a sign displayed outside her classroom for a week! Thank you for all you do! WE APPRECIATE YOU! GO TRIBE! ❤️🖤🤍
11 days ago, Courtney Smith
Teacher of Week
Navajo girls basketball will play against Sterling today, February 24th, at 1:00 pm @ Alex. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time using the link. Best of luck, ladies!
13 days ago, Courtney Smith
Girls basketball bracket
Congratulations to this week's Battle of the Books qualifiers!
15 days ago, Courtney Smith
Battle of the books
Updated bracket for Basketball Regionals.
16 days ago, Courtney Smith
Dr. Seuss Week is coming up—March 3rd to 7th! Celebrate the magic of reading and Dr. Seuss by dressing up!
16 days ago, Courtney Smith
Dr. Seuss  Dress Up Week
Due to the possibility of weather, we will not be having school Tuesday, February 18, 2025. All activities cancelled.
19 days ago, Navajo Public Schools
Due to the possibility of weather, we will not be having school Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
19 days ago, Navajo Public Schools
Join us as we do a state send-off for all our Archers! February 18, 2025, at 2:00pm.
23 days ago, Courtney Smith
Archery state send-off
Thank you to Friendship Baptist Church and Navajo families for providing dinner for our staff during conference night!
23 days ago, Courtney Smith
Thank you Friendship Baptist Church and Families for dinner!